DESAL-8 Firmware Update Instruction

Step 1:
Press and hold the F & S buttons at the same time
Step 2:
While holding the F & S buttons, turn on the light fixture

Step 3:
Light fixture is on "Stand By Mode" - Wait Program
Step 4:
Now open up the DESAL SIK app, and click Bluetooth connect button
Then, choose the related light fixture that will need to have firmware update

Step 5:
Once connected to the light fixture, click the top right button, then click "Firmware Update"
Click "OK" to confirm you want to update the firmware, then update will be started.

Step 6:
Both the DESAL app and light fixture will show firmware update completed (Program ok)
And now you can re-start the light fixture.

Step 7:
Double check if your APP is compatible with the correlated firmware version of your light fixture.
***Light fixture firmware version can be checked on the "Device INFO"**
Note that the Firmware version must be the same in order for the light to work properly.